Tuesday, February 18, 2003

was flipping through the newpapers this morning when i saw the anguished faces of the relatives of the victims of the chicago stampede. "tell my mum i love her" said one man before he died. it was damn painful to read this man. sigh.

why do humans develop feelings? for one another...for everything that has been with us for a long time. Why cant we be just selfish brutes living our own lives...in our own ways..in our own caves?

Why must we be made to suffer the excrutiating pain of losing someone we love..?

all we have left is the journal of memories...of the love we gave and received, the smiles of happy times, the tears through difficult periods...the delicate details of joy and hurt..moments when it seemed nothing mattered and we were just grateful to be alive and together.

memories that will make you cry and pine for the past...constantly making fresh wounds beneath the scars you tried so hard to hide...

it's ironic that while love makes life worth living...it really hits where it hurts most.

Sometimes...it just seems so difficult being human.