Saturday, April 12, 2003

my doggie, rabbit and hamster are going gaga over Honey Stars. they can't get enough of it! haha. my dearies have wierd dietary habits.

Zoey (the dog) eats practically everything from durian to ice-cream except for mushrooms and starfruits. She also eat all kinds of fruits daily to facilitate her 'poo-poo'. hee.

Nevus (the rabbit) rejects all vegetables (hates carrots) but loves fruits...her favourites includes oranges and peeled grapes. likes munching on crunchy stuff...and also fingers.

Hammie (the hammie) eats rather normally...she likes to eat the skin of fruits though. the wierd thing about her is that she looks more like a really cute grub than a hammie.

my tortoises are having a DRY outing in the toilet now! :) WET outing will be at the bath tub.

My daddy's fishes...luohans and all. i am trying to get him to put in some pebbles or stuff for them to play ard..they look bored in their empty tanks sometimes. hmm.

my mummy says she will scream if i get another animal into the house. haha. we'll see. i think a bird or chinchilla will be great :D

ohyah..a new pet shop opened just outside nus near fong seng. yay!