Thursday, July 17, 2003

Fei Yu Qing's concert was really good! he had no constume changes...nothing spectacular...just sheer talent. man...his voice is amazing, pitch-on and sounded exactly like the CD. saw many middled-aged children bringing mothers and sweet :) haha...liked him for being so natural, sincere and extremely hilarious...especially during the segment on imitating other singers. had great fun :) totally enjoyable.

i always wished i belonged to his time...loved all the kinda songs and dances. like those 1960s Shanghai Nightclub, with men in western suits dancing with qipao-clad ladies...and all the feathery, glittery extravagence. and the music then was great...simple lyrics and melodies. felt that the english music scene was at its peak as well...The Beatles, Beegees, Nat King Cole etc. some era-discrepancies here...but anyway i always group them together :p

current singers are disappointing...overtly-commercialised and artificially packaged. a degredation ~sad~

Evergreens/ Classics / Oldies rule!