Tuesday, April 29, 2003

heard on the new from this %#@ father: "our children need to study, life needs to go on".

exams are such a BBBIIIIGGG deal here. it's tearing my life into shreds...i HATE it. why can't we have a research-based uni education? why must we pin all our hopes on that bloody piece of exam script. the weightage....arrrghhhh. give me projects...essays..presentations...anytime.

have you ever felt that everything sucks? or faced a lingering thought that something is bound to go wrong? feelings of fear, worries, paranoia and all the bile just builds up. i don't want to disappoint myself or anyone. it's like everything is out to make me lose control...

my family thinks i am acting wierd nowadays. they think i am merely stressed from the exams. that's an understatement.

i really think i am going crazeeeeeeeeeeeee. even Dr Jo thinks so.

disappear from the face of the earth...burrow into some hole...hide under the table...lie beneath the blanket and pretend to be a bolster..

why cant we be ourselves
like we were yesterday...

these days...i want to be ANYTHING but me.