Tuesday, August 05, 2003

watched LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings again :) i don't think i will ever get sick of that movie.

really fantastic. the place is so beautiful! i cannot believe it was shot in New Zealand...man i want to go there right now. the lush green fields, the clear blue skies, the mysterious woods...it must be like paradise there. through some features were specially made for the movie, i am quite sure the place was naturally mystical.

and Legolas. he is so...pretty. with silky blond hair and those cute pointy ears. i can almost believe he is a real elf! ever so ready and alert with his bow and arrows. but too bad he looks kinda disappointing off reel...heh. Liv tyler has never looked that gorgeous...oh man. that wound on her cheek made her look even more perfect. an 'imperfection' that looked so right and in place.

really intrigued by the elf language. it sounds so natural when they were speaking in it. an invented language with grammer and vocabulary etc. so cool...i want to learn it! or even create my own language :) hopefully majoring in e-lang will take me a step nearer in that direction.

i guess LOTR certainly proves man's imagination is capable of creating such a masterpiece. feel that imagination is one of the most important and powerful gifts humans possess. we can choose to see the world as it is or imagine the myriad of possibilities and miracles that can happen. i know we should keep our feet on the ground and not be preoccupied by absurb and 'airy-fairy' thoughts. but without imagination, everything seems bound by hard scientific truths and physical limitations.

have a picture of a stonehenge as my wallpaper. it shows a group of impressive huge rocks standing on green green grass. very calm and and zen feeling. my brother and mum were discussing whether this place really existed. it can be easily done by computer graphic technology. and so i asked my mum if she would rather believe such a beautiful place existed...she said no. but wouldn't it be better to choose to believe that somewhere on this earth can be this beautiful? or is it more simple to shrug off the possibility?

fantasy and seemingly impossible stuff can be said to be a cruel virtual reality trick made for a momentary escape and it may be sad that such a place only exist in the mind..an unreal world after all. but if everyone tries to imagine the world in a better light, perhaps we will eventually make it a more agreeable place.