currently involved in this church magic show organised by fcbc and Touch Ministries :)
It's great fun and i am enjoying every moment of it! meeting the ndp people..wearing the costume...holding the instruments...hearing the music once again :) it feels just like an extended ndp parade :p
i just love the adrenaline rush of performing. the feeling of butterflies in your stomach before every show...the conviction by everyone involved to make it work out perfectly. it's like the moment you step out into the stage, your mind shut off from everything and you just do it there and then. nothing else matters! :)
a really hilarious 'freak accident' happened during yest's performance...muahaha. one person stood at the wrong position and everybody moved down one place..leaving me and my partner with only one drum. my gosh...and the music was starting in a few seconds! oh man...with so many people sitting right in front of us. hopefully they thought it was a special 'effect'. he ended doing the dance sequence on the floor without a drum and it was just so darn corny :D thankfully there was a timing to swop drums and the light effects were rather confusing. so i quickly ran off to the empty drum. had a good laugh after everything...even up till now :p
heard from a fellow performer that he used to be invloved in musical productions. so cool! shall find out more about it :) it has been my dream to be in a matter how teeny the part may be...heh.
hmm...and maybe i should catch the Wedding Banquet. their voices are amazing. it's so different from pop 'singers'...hmm. and the best part is they can sing and dance and act! talk about talent :)
and if i ever ever ever get to Broadway...i can get to meet Clay! teeheehee.
Someday. Clay. Broadway. YAY.