Saturday, January 18, 2003

i have been visiting these clicking websites rather regularly.

not very sure if i have helped in anything significant but i am sure the cumulative efforts of everyone will eventually work up to something substantial to help the disadvantaged.

anyway, it is the least we can do and it will not take up more than a minute :)

do visit :

you refused to let sleep come upon me...
and when i surrender myself
to the whims of fatigue...
there you were
in my imagined world of perfection...
till again i awake
with a feeling of living in another realm
where dreams and realities are but one.

i fear i have fallen too deeply into a whirlpool of you.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

i floated to heaven with your hi and your smile :D

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

"sometimes i should just apologize
sometimes i should just admit i ain't right
sometimes i should just keep my mouth shut
or only say hello
sometimes i still feel
i am walking alone..."
- Green Day

i fit like a puzzle piece being forced into place.
i fit like a square into a round hole.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003


i just realised something.

exactly one month to THAT DAY.

not that i adore smokers [but] some people looks damn cool with a cigarette butt.

i still cannot forget tony leung in "In The Mood for Love". he was PERFECT.

promise me you will watch the film. puhlease :D

Monday, January 13, 2003

my friend's band, Vertical Rush, has just came up with their first professionally recorded CD. it is really really GOOD!! :)

They have performed at the esplanade and overseas so u can be sure of their standard -grin-

it only cost 15 bucks for 10 tracks *plus* a bonus track written by my friend :D the cd is mainly of emo and alternative rock.

do drop by the band's website: verticalrush and support our local bands!!! :)

Sunday, January 12, 2003

i am finally done with my online tutorial registration after excessive checking. i dunno why...but i always think that i will screw up something somewhere..especially with academic stuff -sigh-

hope everything goes well as planned. hope. hope. hope -hope hops by-

having a good timetable is really important...otherwise i will not even feel like going to school man. but this sem i got lec on sat at 8! -doink- my last sem's timetable was fantastic. i miss it :/

no much more time left to float around. one more week of slack lecs on intros and sch is gonna start straight off.

more new people to meet. more new friends to make: asking one another the first question: "what modules are doing this sem?"

guess everybody is on the search for familiar faces.

me too :) -waves hand in the air- i m here! i m here!