Friday, January 09, 2004

modules' first impressions:
- apprehensive about Popular Culture. the people there seem so into J stuff *squirms* have not heard of most of the artistes we will be discussing. hmmph. it's supposed to be a fun-fun module but hopefully i don't have to resort to memorising J names, songs and manga titles etc. the project is not bad, we get to be 'journalists' of a pseudo entertainment magazine and churn out articles on the latest J trends. cool.

- 20th century Japan. only 14 people! Dr Steben is simply overflowing with knowledge...gave us a straight almost 2 hrs lecture on Japan's history offhand -very impressed- he is known to be strict and nitty gritty but his passion and enthusiasm are quite infectious :) the lectures are so much like storytelling sessions, but the bad thing is we have to remember the stories! bet there will be alot of work to be done for this module...

- Historical variation. basically an overview of how English came about, the crazee spelling, importing and integration of foreign words etc. the lecturer looks cute with a bow tie. a blue and yellow polka-dotted one to be precise :p

- Morpho and lexicon. a rather huge disappointment. wails...that Ho was beating about the bushes! floated around baabaaland for the entire session. content should be manageable, an extension from last sem's modules...let's pray that he spices up the lectures with his corny jokes.

- psycholinguistics!!! the most promising. we get to delve into language acquisition, parts-of-brain stuff etc. projects will be experiments on how people perceive speech, word retrieval...more like a science module actually. but a new perspective on language, like a whiff of fresh air :)

the queues at the co-op are sooo long....arrgh. textbooks are so expensive...sigh :( if they don't want us to be pirates, then price them lower please.

Monday, January 05, 2004

back to school :) i am glad. feeling refreshed and all ready to start a new sem.

doing Popular Culture and Japan in the 20th Century for JS; Historical Variation, Morphology and Lexicon, and the much anticipated Psycholinguistics. Yay. exciting!

Uni seems to be flying pass. and it's going to be over before i know it. if i can do well enough, i hope to stay for the Honours year. It's going to be a tough choice between Japanese Studies and English Lang, but it seems more like elang at the moment. There is much more areas i can branch into with elang, especially areas like language impairment. Somehow i am more interested in the uses of language rather than the word structure etc. well i should be just glad that nus offers modules of that sort. phew.

was talking to my friend's dad about academic stuff. and he suggested that i can go into the field of ESL, something like teaching English as second language in foreign countries. wow, that's sounds really cool :)

looking for more ccas to join. haha. probably Japanese Karaoke Club though i am never into J-pop. My friend's in there so shall pop by and take a look. interested in Chess too...heh.

Have a great year ahead :)