Friday, August 08, 2003

~A little tribute to the little red dot~

i want to thank Singapore for:

* a high level of security so i can go out without needing a pistol in my baggie or training up to run from bombs
* extensive MRT and LRT lines for people like me who cannot afford a car nor drive, in the first place.
* the smooth highways and roads which makes everywhere easily accessible
* the great variety of yummy yummy local food
* the beautiful Esplanade which has become one of my favourite hangout
* the freedom to practise our preferred religions
* being a melting pot of races and cultures
* wiring up the place so that i can enjoy broadband
* planting sooo many big big trees to neutralize and soften the harsh concrete jungle
* compulsory education so that i can read, write and blog...something i think mostly taken for granted.
* for bringing in foreign teevee programmes..erm especially AI2 (teehee)!

and many many more.

i think i am so so lucky to be born here. no famine, no natural disasters...a nice little island away from all those earthquake and volanoes belts. i am not too bothered by the lack of freedom of speech...or healthy political competition. would rather lead a peaceful life under a relatively more decent and reasonable government...and not be embarassed by verbal-abusing and chair-throwing 'politicians'.

and so i am happy and comfortable here :)

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

counting down...3 days to school! :) yay..the looonnng break is going to be over at last. this may sound dumb to some people but i know this term break has made me a little crazeee.

i got my marketing breadth..goody. with joy and her friends :) heard some reviews about business mods not being easy to do...but it is tried and tested and relatively well-received. anyway i think anything will be more manageable than science mods. so no complaining..shh. but the outline of the course sounded quite cheem...oh well. marketing should be quite interesting..thinking up new business plans. pray i will get a decent project group.

been looking through Strait Times Recruit every morning for tutoring jobs in japanese language. just called up someone and he suddenly sprouting japanese ~oh man~ caught me off guard but thankfully i have been revising for the past few weeks. so guess it wasn't that bad. heh. have always been fascinated bylanguages :) it will be a dream come true to be able to converse in as many languages as possible! very interested in learning italian, spanish, french and what have you. that will take a lifetime man but it definitely will be an enjoyable one.

back to prep for sch: was clearing my table yesterday...sorting out all my notes. they are taking waaayyyy too much space, growing taller and taller every sem. i have already witnessed a couple of collapses. my brother officially named the pile 'Garbage Mountain'. quite appriopriate...heh. but i have this thing about keeping things *just in case*. a very distinctive trait of my mama. and i have noticed a growing number of large storage boxes in the houses. God knows what things are in those...aiyoh. but at least the boxes keep the mess out of sight and out of mind :p

sch sch sch! heehee. am really looking forward to a term of serious work :)

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

i saw the lizard again! teeheehee. so cute with its beady eyes. it was waiting patiently behind my doggie's water bowl while watching her eat her dinner. zoey's a messy eater so it is her everyday habit to drop her food everywhere...haha. i put some grains nearer to the water bowl but my little friend retreated. hehe...but of course it came back and to my surprise, ate the few rice grains i threw to it! wow. then i left some more rice bits behind the water bowl and it was gone after awhile.

i have a pet lizard! yay :D

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

watched LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings again :) i don't think i will ever get sick of that movie.

really fantastic. the place is so beautiful! i cannot believe it was shot in New i want to go there right now. the lush green fields, the clear blue skies, the mysterious must be like paradise there. through some features were specially made for the movie, i am quite sure the place was naturally mystical.

and Legolas. he is so...pretty. with silky blond hair and those cute pointy ears. i can almost believe he is a real elf! ever so ready and alert with his bow and arrows. but too bad he looks kinda disappointing off reel...heh. Liv tyler has never looked that gorgeous...oh man. that wound on her cheek made her look even more perfect. an 'imperfection' that looked so right and in place.

really intrigued by the elf language. it sounds so natural when they were speaking in it. an invented language with grammer and vocabulary etc. so cool...i want to learn it! or even create my own language :) hopefully majoring in e-lang will take me a step nearer in that direction.

i guess LOTR certainly proves man's imagination is capable of creating such a masterpiece. feel that imagination is one of the most important and powerful gifts humans possess. we can choose to see the world as it is or imagine the myriad of possibilities and miracles that can happen. i know we should keep our feet on the ground and not be preoccupied by absurb and 'airy-fairy' thoughts. but without imagination, everything seems bound by hard scientific truths and physical limitations.

have a picture of a stonehenge as my wallpaper. it shows a group of impressive huge rocks standing on green green grass. very calm and and zen feeling. my brother and mum were discussing whether this place really existed. it can be easily done by computer graphic technology. and so i asked my mum if she would rather believe such a beautiful place existed...she said no. but wouldn't it be better to choose to believe that somewhere on this earth can be this beautiful? or is it more simple to shrug off the possibility?

fantasy and seemingly impossible stuff can be said to be a cruel virtual reality trick made for a momentary escape and it may be sad that such a place only exist in the unreal world after all. but if everyone tries to imagine the world in a better light, perhaps we will eventually make it a more agreeable place.

Monday, August 04, 2003

been looking at blogskins for the last few days...heh.

luuurrrvvvee the piccy! :) it's so orangy and bright. great combination of amazingly beautiful lights from nature and urban life.

but alas...all could have been perfect if not for that thing up there. that one quarter of a banner sticking out of nowhere...ARGH :( it looks so wrong. i wish i had a 'computer marker pen' and just colour over it...

help anybody?